FAQ About Home InspectionsWhat is a Home InspectionMy QualificationsMy Service AreasInspection AgreementSchedule an InspectionPre Sale / Listing InspectionPre-Purchase Inspection4 Point Insurance InspectionBuilders Warranty InspectionNew Construction InspectionWind Mitigation InspectionHow to Hire An InspectorMaintenance TipsSample ReportManufactured vs Modular Schedule An Inspection * indicates a required field Preferred Inspection Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Preferred Time (am/pm) Age of Home in Years Approximate Square Footage of Home Inspection Site Street Address Inspection Site City State Zip Customers Name Customers Address Customers City State and Zip Customers Home phone Customers Cell phone Customers Work phone Customer Email address Agents Name Agents Address Agents City State and Zip Agents Home phone Agents Cell phone Agents Work phone Agents Email address * Crawl Space? yesno Pool yesno Spa yesno Additional Buildings? yesno Detached Garage? yesno WDO Inspection? yesno Security System? yesno Is water still on? yesno Is Electric still on? yesno Who will be present? customeragent Any additional comments or concerns? I have reviewed and agreed to the Home Inspection Agreement *yes A $50 travel fee will be charged if utilities are not turned on and inspector can not conduct inspection or if inspector must make a second trip to complete inspection